First of all, Am not belonging to any reserved Caste or religion(you could check my Identity),Am just Expressing my views. I know its difficult to accept for many, but please excuse me. Its Just My opinion,lol :)
In India there was a time, the time dominated By Pure Brahmins and some big castes. In A country,particulary in a Democratic country, each and every citizen should have equal rights to everything in the country,wheather the right to study,work or express their views. That is why Independent India's first PM Showed his class, asking a Dalit-Legend Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar to write the Constitution of India. First of all Saluting the greatness of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Before Speaking completely against this policy try to Understand some facts:
First let us Understand what is this reseravtion policy:
Wikipedia says "Reservation in India is the process of facilitating a person in education, scholarship, jobs, and in promotion who has category certificates. Reservation is a form of quota-based affirmative action. Reservation is governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws, and local rules and regulations. Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC), and in some states Backward Classes among Muslims under a category called BC(M), are the primary beneficiaries of the reservation policies under the Constitution – with the object of ensuring a level playing field." Simply we can say "A Constitutional agreement to meet almost every basic need of the minor group in India".
A common form of caste discrimination in India was the practice of untouchability. Scheduled Castes (SCs) were the primary targets of the practice, which is outlawed by the Constitution of India.The primary stated objective of the Indian reservation system is to increase the opportunities for enhanced social and educational status of the underprivileged communities and thus uplift their lifestyle to have their place in the mainstream of Indian society. The reservation system exists to provide opportunities for the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribess to increase their political representation in theState Legislatures, the Executive Organ of the Union (Centre) and States, the labour force, schools, colleges, and other public institutions.
The Constitution of India states in article 16(4): "Nothing in [article 16] or in clause (2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes." Article 46 of the Constitution states that "The State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation."
To know more about the origin and all, you could refer Mandal Commission or any reports regarding reservation, am not here to expalin " WHAT IT IS?", but "WHY IT IS?"
Now Coming to the point:
This how India's Reservation Structure Looklike. You have to agree to a fact that still "Only few among the reserved is going to work in Govt.Sectors or anyother sectors". Just try to find the answer for it. Here by the term Reserved I mean mainly the SC's & ST's. We would have a big debate later on the other Categories. Let us consider SC's & ST's.
To all Who bark against this system I have a lot of questions to ask :
You all claim they are develope like you and have to stop this policy,ok,agreed!
Being a Malayalee,for joke am asking you all, "Eventhough they are developed still why we call words like "POLAYA","POLAYADI" and all ABUSING! It's a caste name like yours, and you are not using your caste name as ABUSING WORDS. Don't take it serious, its just a FUN-FACT!
First of all, please don't group all SC's and ST's developed, refering to one or 2 individual. If we take
cases In states like Bihar, the condition of those 'Reserved' people is worser than what we imagine. What happens is "There would be a neighbour or a classmate,he may be rich by exploiting this Reservation policy, and what we people do is we will group the entire community to be rich. If we go deeper to place like Wayanad in Kerala and all, still we will find people searching for food and all.If they are Developed Why they still stands high in the poverty percentage of India?One/ two doesn't mean Majority. Still Major communities and other backward communites are far developed than these men,eventhough there is no discrimination.
Next,'' get low marks but still get a chance'' , this is a common phrase used against SC-ST Students. Reservation should be given to talent regardless of who the student is, Agreed! But just think one thing An Achievement is achieved when our Talent comes

lol :)
In India there was a time, the time dominated By Pure Brahmins and some big castes. In A country,particulary in a Democratic country, each and every citizen should have equal rights to everything in the country,wheather the right to study,work or express their views. That is why Independent India's first PM Showed his class, asking a Dalit-Legend Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar to write the Constitution of India. First of all Saluting the greatness of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
Before Speaking completely against this policy try to Understand some facts:
First let us Understand what is this reseravtion policy:
Wikipedia says "Reservation in India is the process of facilitating a person in education, scholarship, jobs, and in promotion who has category certificates. Reservation is a form of quota-based affirmative action. Reservation is governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws, and local rules and regulations. Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC), and in some states Backward Classes among Muslims under a category called BC(M), are the primary beneficiaries of the reservation policies under the Constitution – with the object of ensuring a level playing field." Simply we can say "A Constitutional agreement to meet almost every basic need of the minor group in India".
A common form of caste discrimination in India was the practice of untouchability. Scheduled Castes (SCs) were the primary targets of the practice, which is outlawed by the Constitution of India.The primary stated objective of the Indian reservation system is to increase the opportunities for enhanced social and educational status of the underprivileged communities and thus uplift their lifestyle to have their place in the mainstream of Indian society. The reservation system exists to provide opportunities for the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribess to increase their political representation in theState Legislatures, the Executive Organ of the Union (Centre) and States, the labour force, schools, colleges, and other public institutions.
The Constitution of India states in article 16(4): "Nothing in [article 16] or in clause (2) of article 29 shall prevent the State from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes." Article 46 of the Constitution states that "The State shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, and, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation."
Ministry of Education (now Ministry of Human Resource Development) for the first time addressed letter on 23-11-1954 to the Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments suggesting that 20% seats should be reserved for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in educational institutions with a provision of 5% relaxation in minimum qualifying marks for admission wherever required.In 1982, it was specified 15% and 7.5% of vacancies in public sector and government-aided educational institutes as a quota reserved for the SC and ST candidates respectively .[12] The Supreme Court of India ruled that reservations could not exceed 50% (which it judged would violate equal access guaranteed by the Constitution) and put a cap on reservations.[13]
To know more about the origin and all, you could refer Mandal Commission or any reports regarding reservation, am not here to expalin " WHAT IT IS?", but "WHY IT IS?"
Now Coming to the point:
Category as per Government of India | Reservation Percentage as per Government of India |
Scheduled Tribes (ST) | 7.5% |
Scheduled Castes (SC) | 15% |
Other Backward Classes (OBC) | 27% |
Total constitutional reservation percentage | 49.5% |
This how India's Reservation Structure Looklike. You have to agree to a fact that still "Only few among the reserved is going to work in Govt.Sectors or anyother sectors". Just try to find the answer for it. Here by the term Reserved I mean mainly the SC's & ST's. We would have a big debate later on the other Categories. Let us consider SC's & ST's.
To all Who bark against this system I have a lot of questions to ask :
You all claim they are develope like you and have to stop this policy,ok,agreed!
Being a Malayalee,for joke am asking you all, "Eventhough they are developed still why we call words like "POLAYA","POLAYADI" and all ABUSING! It's a caste name like yours, and you are not using your caste name as ABUSING WORDS. Don't take it serious, its just a FUN-FACT!
First of all, please don't group all SC's and ST's developed, refering to one or 2 individual. If we take
cases In states like Bihar, the condition of those 'Reserved' people is worser than what we imagine. What happens is "There would be a neighbour or a classmate,he may be rich by exploiting this Reservation policy, and what we people do is we will group the entire community to be rich. If we go deeper to place like Wayanad in Kerala and all, still we will find people searching for food and all.If they are Developed Why they still stands high in the poverty percentage of India?One/ two doesn't mean Majority. Still Major communities and other backward communites are far developed than these men,eventhough there is no discrimination.
Next,'' get low marks but still get a chance'' , this is a common phrase used against SC-ST Students. Reservation should be given to talent regardless of who the student is, Agreed! But just think one thing An Achievement is achieved when our Talent comes
along with certain other factors like the way we live,way we survive. Therefore for example the SC/ST who got 40 in an entrance would have the same talent as the general one who got 75. The Living structure of Most SC/ST Students in our country is far behind the general(I Mean majority) So the difference of 35 marks is due to reflection of the way the SC/ST lives.Education is the right which they have been denied for many generations. An educated person is valued more for his skill-sets and is supposed to to contribute to the social and economic progress of the country. Giving them education , forcing the privileged upper-castes to study with them , gives the the platform where their community is represented in the circle originally dominated by upper-castes.
Main problem is that the benefits are confined to only roughly(30%) of a sample pool of 2 lakh people. If that figure must rise up to 70%( which is proportional to representation of backward castes) then the remaining larger population( especially in the poorer parts of the country) must be aware of such schemes. Education about the evils of caste-ism will help school-kids understand the unfair practices which continue even today.
Since reservations are about uplifting the socio-economic status of the backward classes by providing them education,we can examine certain parameters and the penetration of backward classes into those parameters to tell how effective this system is in today's world. Some of them as outlined below:
Case study:
Enrollment rates of SC/STs: Just 6% in past 7 years
Source: Page on
Lack of learning abilities- Roughly 80% students in our village cannot learn basic math
Reference: ASER 2014 Report on
How can one expect them to cope up with the demanding JEE syllabus and even more challenging IIT syllabus?.
Penetration of backward castes into academic professions
This is another way to examine how far the backward castes have penetrated into the field of academic professions( teaching professions in technical institutions), which was originally meant for forward castes.
Occupational profiles:
The occupational profiles are heavily skewed against the lower castes. Nearly 48% Grade D and blue collar jobs are occupied by lower castes..
Lower the socio-economic status, lower is the inclination to learn:
More studies reveal that lower the socio-economic status, lower is the inclination to learn. A child from a higher socio-economic background where he is encouraged by his family members to aspire for greater heights, where the family has got access to enough resources to financially support their child in availing education, that child has got a tendency to learn quickly.
Standard of living of lower caste and villages:
Greater the socio-economic status, greater is the standard of living. Reservation was meant to provide a decent standard of living for the socially-backward communities.
Standard of living is generally measured by access to basic amenities, the presence of the Holy Trinity needed for a man to survive: Food, Shelter, Clothes.
Data shows that more than 70% of villages in TN do not have a proper roof over their houses. More than 73% of village houses do not access to toilets.
Source: Page on
Access to sanitation: 9% of Dalit households have it
Dropout rates of SC/ST: 47% of kids drop out from school:
Reference: Page on
Now taking you to an ARTICLE WRITTEN IN "TIMES OF INDIA" NEWSPAPER!SCs/STs form half of India's poor: Survey
DELHI: Scheduled Castes and Tribes constitute half of the total "poor, deprived households", a pilot survey to identify the Below Poverty Line population has found.
The survey found that SCs/STs were a mere 25% of the "non-poor households" who showed deprivation on some of the parameters -- ranging from housing to illiteracy to homelessness and destitution.
The findings reiterate the long-held hypothesis that dalits are the most-underprivileged sections of population and the easiest marker of poverty.
The pilot survey is significant given that results have come from the representative sample of 166 villages across 22 states. It will form the basis for the full-fledged survey to be conducted soon to identify the poor.
Vivek Kumar, sociologist with Jawaharlal Nehru University, said the findings proved that caste and class identities in the country overlapped and the social identity of dalits led to cumulative deprivation cutting across parameters for identification of poor. "Economic deprivation depends on social identity," he said, summing up the inferences from the pilot survey.
The survey found that SCs/STs were a mere 25% of the "non-poor households" who showed deprivation on some of the parameters -- ranging from housing to illiteracy to homelessness and destitution.
The findings reiterate the long-held hypothesis that dalits are the most-underprivileged sections of population and the easiest marker of poverty.
The pilot survey is significant given that results have come from the representative sample of 166 villages across 22 states. It will form the basis for the full-fledged survey to be conducted soon to identify the poor.
Vivek Kumar, sociologist with Jawaharlal Nehru University, said the findings proved that caste and class identities in the country overlapped and the social identity of dalits led to cumulative deprivation cutting across parameters for identification of poor. "Economic deprivation depends on social identity," he said, summing up the inferences from the pilot survey.
That 22% of the population (SC/ST) forms half of the country's rural poor is in line with known facts about poverty statistics but it is startling that the theory continues to hold good. After the pilot survey, the anticipated household exercise to identify the poor - with methodology refined by Planning Commission member Mihir Shah for the Union rural development ministry - would show where the final figures stand for the country.
While dalits and tribals form the bulk of poor households, their share drops to 25% among the non-poor households with deprivation, a fact which underlines the relationship between SC/STs and economic status. The communities are not just poor but also score high on kuchcha housing, illiteracy among adults, homelessness, destitution, landlessness with agricultural wages as their main source of income.
The BPL survey is crucial because the identified families would form the target group of government's subsidy-based welfare schemes. According to observers, the BPL survey is crucial to the fate of dalits because they form the bulk of beneficiaries of targeted welfare.
Vivek Kumar concurred with the findings of the pilot survey, saying, "YB Damle in 1970s had shown that social identity has an impact on the economic performance of people."
The coming BPL survey would see a change in the methodology from previous years. The analysis of pilot survey by Planning Commission has shown that earlier BPL surveys could have been off the mark by as high as 50%
While dalits and tribals form the bulk of poor households, their share drops to 25% among the non-poor households with deprivation, a fact which underlines the relationship between SC/STs and economic status. The communities are not just poor but also score high on kuchcha housing, illiteracy among adults, homelessness, destitution, landlessness with agricultural wages as their main source of income.
The BPL survey is crucial because the identified families would form the target group of government's subsidy-based welfare schemes. According to observers, the BPL survey is crucial to the fate of dalits because they form the bulk of beneficiaries of targeted welfare.
Vivek Kumar concurred with the findings of the pilot survey, saying, "YB Damle in 1970s had shown that social identity has an impact on the economic performance of people."
The coming BPL survey would see a change in the methodology from previous years. The analysis of pilot survey by Planning Commission has shown that earlier BPL surveys could have been off the mark by as high as 50%
lol :)
It is a valid point you are making.The propotion of people who need reservation is more than ones who are taking an undue advantage of it...but i cant help but wonder wether there could be better implimentation of the sytem (i.e.a salary cap among sc/st reservation and better understanding of salary cap under obc)which could provide better oppertunity for the people deserving reservation.
ReplyDeleteIt is a valid point you are making.The propotion of people who need reservation is more than ones who are taking an undue advantage of it...but i cant help but wonder wether there could be better implimentation of the sytem (i.e.a salary cap among sc/st reservation and better understanding of salary cap under obc)which could provide better oppertunity for the people deserving reservation.