Am writing this Blog as part of a competition,but when I started writing it, I understood that am writing a Part of my life since I started using these smart devices. Did I become Smart? Personally, I don't think so,instead much more dumber. This is not just my story,but the majority's! When I had a debate with my friends on this topic, I understood that am just a guy representing a majority!
So, Friends & Followers, I Repeat my Question:
"Are we turning dumber when devices are turning smarter ?"
Those who speak against this topic, i.e."We are turning smarter instead of being dumber" may claim that " Becoming smarter or dumber, it all depends
on the type of person using these devices. The ones who knows to use it in a
good way become
smarter, and those who uses it for show off and all becomes
Dumber”.Ok!Agreed! Is everyone who knows to use it becoming smarter? I know to
use these devices in a good way and as per my experience I am getting relied on
these devices day by day. Today if I don’t know to write or talk on something which am
not familiar with,its not a big task. Everything will be provided infront of
your eyes in just one Click. That's how our world,surroundings and all are changing. 10-15 years before we search it through our books,newspapers and all.Now the children will say " Why to worry? Google will solve it"
Why should we say more, just look sites like amazon and all, we would see Smart Watermelon slicer to slice Watermelon faster,Baby Monitor and Sleep Tracker and all. Yes, these devices are all smarter enough , but just look what these devices are doing. If you don't have time to slice a watermelon with a spoon, then you don't eat it too. What you have to do by saving some seconds,buying an expensive Watermelon slicer instead of a spoon. This shows your respect towards money, something that will come and go very fastly. When I searched about this Baby monitor and Tracker , I came across an advertisement of a company, it states that "revolutionary system consists of a night vision camera as well as a motion sensor that remains above your baby’s crib or bed. To help your baby drift off to sleep, the Baby Monitor has nature soundtracks and can also produce white noise for a relaxing environment...bla bla bla..."
Now dear friends you ask your mother is it the way to take care of their babies?? The majority mothers will feel pity on such ads. The eyes of the Mother are the monitor and her tune is the soundtrack to guide the baby,not the artificial Sleep tracker and all. If we can't even spend time to look after our kids, why do we produce them ?
What happened to our Relations and our power to keep the relations?See if we,especially the Smart kids of this smart era are traveling in a train.Most of them will be staring at the smartphones or will be busy hearing musing using smart gadgets,sometimes even causing disturbance to the people in the train.They don't even speak a word to the next person sitting. These Smart Kids have to look the ones who crossed 35-40 , and how they are travelling. This is was the scene before 10-15 years before, irrespective of the age the passengers talked each others,became friends,shared their ideas,helped each other. Now its a 'Selfish World'.Now The person sitting next to us,Whether our family member too,we will not be knowing much,But may know more about the person far away. Today People are more comfortable in chatting with each other using the smart apps like Whatsapp and all, as they need not need to face them. They could just express their feelings through smileys. Actually these apps are making man Deaf and Dumb!
Some claims that these devices Helps in making A 'WELL IMPROVED SOCIETY', But dear friends what's the use "If we have devices to detect speed,but we don't have the sense to predict the danger caused by the speed?" or "If we have Motors to carry water, but no responsibility to use the water wisely?" The half of the efforts needed to manufacture a emission less car is require to plant one tree which would absorb pollution. But no one bothers!

"The richness of our thoughts, our memories and even our personalities hinges on our ability to focus the mind and sustain concentration. Only when we pay deep attention to a new piece of information are we able to associate it meaningfully & systematically.When we're constantly distracted and interrupted, as we tend to be online, our brains are unable to forge the strong and expansive neural connections that give depth and distinctiveness to our thinking. We become mere signal-processing units, quickly shepherding disjointed bits of information into and then out of short-term memory"
You may heard about the writer Nicholas Carr, once he wrote What the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation! "He continues: “My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”
How many of you agree with Nicholas Carr?
YES! As some who claims our knowledge is increasing with the Internet, we could also agree with them, but what's happening is our hardwork or our mentality to search foe something is also decreasing exponentially. Now the acronym "GK" is more suitable to "GOOGLE KNOWLEDGE" rather than General Knowledge!
Anyhow we have to appreciate the inventions like QAMA Calculator and all. We need more inventions like these,where we exploit our knowledge as well the technology. Until we provide accurate estimate of what the answer will be the QAMA calculator will not provide us the answer. If our estimate is not even near to the answer, we would have go back to the question and look where we went wrong. We need more inventions like these, so that we don't create a situation where we will become slaves to the robots or technology as like the dogs are for us.
It's so true...... Man