For one man,one woman-
Its the law of nature! What would happen if the God created only Adam, no Eve?
Where we would go for the next Generation? Is it possible just by a one
creature- wheather it be man or the oppossite? No! This
differentiation of gender was created for the balance in nature, and no one can
deny it. If the nature can follow this 'Equality', why can't we, humans
follow it?
Gender discrimination continues to be an enormous
problem within Indian society. Gender inequality in India persists
despite high rates of economic growth, and is particularly apparent among
marginalized groups Traditional patriarchal
norms have relegated women to secondary status within the household and
workplace. This drastically affects women's health, financial status,
education, and political involvement. Women are commonly married young, quickly
become mothers, and are then burdened by stringent domestic and financial
responsibilities. They are frequently malnourished since women typically are
the last member of a household to eat and the last to receive medical attention.
Women receive little schooling, and suffer from unfair and biased inheritance
and divorce laws. These laws prevent women from accumulating substantial
financial assets, making it difficult for women to establish their own security
and autonomy.
Case is worst if we consider the Third Gender.
For last one year, we are coming across various issues about Transgender.
Latest being K Prithika Yashini,India's First Transgender Sub-Inspector who
recieved the appointment order few days back. Still Why can't we accept them in
the society? The reason we says is Transgender people experience a
mismatch between their gender identity or gender expression and their assigned sex. Is it their fault? What is
there if they belongs to that category? Actually we are destroying the hopes
and dreams of such people for no reason. Just imagine if we were born in other
planet along with creatures who belongs to that world and what would
happen? They would enjoy every facilities,we will have to find places
even to urinate & excrete?how difficult it would be? That
is what happening with Third Gender here. So its high time to
treat them as normal Humans. We can't threaten them for the reason they are not
responsible for.
Eventhough India have an improved sex ratio over last 10 years, India ranks 130 out of 155
countries in the Gender Inequality Index (GII) for 2014, way behind Bangladesh
and Pakistan that rank 111 and 121 respectively, according to data in the
United National Development Programme’s latest Human Development Report (HDR)
2015.Among South Asian countries, India fares better than only Afghanistan
which is at 152.The index captures inequalities in gender-specific indicators:
reproductive health measured by maternal mortality ratio and adolescent birth
rates, empowerment quantified by share of parliamentary seats and attainment in
education, and economic activity measured by labour market participation rate.
Pakistan and Bangladesh
have a lower Human Development Index (HDI) than India and yet perform better on
gender equality as measured by GII. India is placed 130 out of 188 on the Human
Development Index (HDI) with Bangladesh at 142 and Pakistan at 147.
But with respect to each
parameter on the gender index, India lags behind both its neighbours. Consider
this:Merely 12.2 per cent of parliamentary seats are held by women in India as
against 19.7 in Pakistan and 20 in Bangladesh.India is also beset with a high
maternal mortality rate of 190 deaths per 100,000 live births as compared to
170 pregnancy-related deaths per 100,000 births in both Bangladesh and
Pakistan.In percentage of women receiving secondary education, Bangladesh at 34
per cent far outperforms India at 27 per cent.On labour force participation
rate for women, Bangladesh is at 57 per cent, India is at 27 per cent.
In all the above indexes, India’s performance
is way below the South Asian average.
The only parameter where
India fares slightly better is the adolescent birth rate, which is the number
of births per 1000 women aged 15 to 19 years. A lower adolescent birth rate
indicates a female population that is more in control of its choices when it
comes to marrying and conceiving late.
On this scale, India’s
figures are much better than that of Bangladesh as well as the South Asian
average, though Pakistan’s record is marginally better than India’
As per the McKinsey report Pushing gender equality
can deliver a sizeable additional economic growth and could add Rs. 46 lakh crore (USD 700 billion) to India's GDP in 2025
According to the new
report by McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) titled 'The Power of Parity:
Advancing Women's Equality in India', bridging the gender gap will have a huge
economic impact and the boost could translate into 1.4 per cent per year
incremental GDP growth for India.According to them Advancing gender equality can deliver
sizeable additional economic growth and broad-based prosperity to the world --
nowhere more so than in India. India's share of women's contribution to
GDP is at 17 per cent, much lower than the global average of 37 per cent, and
the lowest among all 10 regions in the world analysed by MGI. About
70 per cent of the increase would come from raising India's female labour-force
participation rate to 41 per cent in 2025, from 31 per cent at present. This
would bring 68 million more women into the economy over this period.
Interestingly, 26
countries in McKinsey's dataset of 95 have a lower per capita GDP and human
development index than India. However, many of these have higher levels of
gender parity.
The Indian economy will obviously gain if we bridge the gender gap in the workplace, but this gap cannot be plugged if we do not consider gender equality in society and change our social attitudes and unconscious bias towards women
The Indian economy will obviously gain if we bridge the gender gap in the workplace, but this gap cannot be plugged if we do not consider gender equality in society and change our social attitudes and unconscious bias towards women
But How?
India has the potential to lead the world in
creating just and equitable societies.Ban any movie, TV show, writing or any form of media that openly
portrays violence, persecution, sexual offence, general treatment against
women. If a male child is allowed to do something at home, the female
child should also be. If you don't want the female child to do something for
safety or tradition, the male child should also not be allowed to do it. A
sense of equality starts at home, from parents and siblings.There should ONLY
be co-education schools. Boys and girls should be allowed to go through awkward
adolescence. A boys school or a girls school effectively reduces the
awkwardness that can be slowly, over time, eliminated inside a closed
environment so when they get out into the world, they have already met and
interacted with enough members of the opposite sex.Husbands should not be
allowed to beat their wives and vice-versa.If a parent notices a boy treating a
girl any different than his boy friends he should be taught that both are
equal. Sex education at home and school. Parents should explain to their
kids the different sexual changes that happen as they grow up and be
approachable with any doubts. Friendship between opposite genders should
not be discouraged. In fact, it should be encouraged.
opportunities for postprimary education
for girls while meeting commitments to universal primary education.Invest in
infrastructure to reduce women’s and girls’ time burdens. Guarantee women’s and
girls’ property and inheritance rights. Eliminate gender inequality in
employment by decreasing women’s reliance on informal employment, closing
gender gaps in earnings, and reducing occupational segregation. Increase
women’s share of seats in national parliaments and local government bodies.
These are some which has to be practiced in home as well as in our country
Above all, the women should take this matter into their hands
and from where we can see it, only a woman can help another woman. If you see
someone troubling a female, intervene. Your actions will be reciprocated by
someone else. Don't expect a man to come for your help because most of them are
not men enough. You can be the eyes and ears for another woman.
saying and make India democratic in all sense!