Thursday, 12 April 2018
Neither in a Womb nor in a Prayer Hall!
Thursday, 11 August 2016
"Am Mr.X Representing INDIA Sir"
"Goal of Team India at the Olympics: Rio jao. Selfies lo. Khaali haat wapas aao. What a waste of money and opportunity."
This Quote & Shobhaa De , a well-known columnist, author, and socialite, with 7.7 lakh followers on Twitter are trending on social sites.
Now an another Quote:
“I feel like a beggar asking for such things”
This Quote won't be so popular as the earlier one, as Shobhaa De like Indians wishes to discuss & create Controversies than finding a little time to share some realities. These words came from the mouth of a sprinter from Odisha called Dutee Chand, who had to run from pillar to post, not for a ticket to Rio but to get running shoes. Until June, her concern was the lack of spike shoes as the ones she used had worn out.
Being an Indian, Shobhaaji has the right to express what he think. We can't blame for that. There are many other Indians too who express their disappointment through different trolls and all. One of my favourite trolls was " Olympics is an event created for the other nations just to insult India once in every 4 years". We can't blame them too. Blindly when we hear such things we would also laugh because it's a reality. Its so sad to hear that Since 1900 India has only won 26 medals (out of which the bronze that Saina Nehwal won in London 2012 was a gift from her opponent who withdrew from finals after sustaining a calf injury) which reveal the fact that our athletes don't perform well when it matters the most.
But Being a Small Sportsman, a hardcore Sports Addict, I won't Blame our Athletes for their Performance and I would be there with them in my prayers, especially in the bad patch.
Its like claiming a gold ,When the Athletes like Dutee Chand and all participates. That's how Our Olympians are living in this world before Olympics starts. Unlike other countries We just discuss these Olympians only during Olympics or Asian Games. That attitude has to be changed. When we treat an athlete like an engineer,a doctor or as any other professional the things would change. The money given to the medalists after winning should be given 3-4 years before when they start practicing to achieve their goal.
Through Shobhaaji's tweet, she simply meant that Indians are fools to invest Athletes like our Hockey skipper Sreejesh, a farmer's son from Kerala, who took to sports at the age of six to realise his Olympics dream in Rio.I just mentioned his name as She tweeted on the day our Indian Hockey Lost to Germany in the last seconds. We all know that even though India have a great past in Hockey, our team didn't qualify for the Beijing Olympics,was last in the London Olympics and Germany,our opponents,the 4-time Olympic Gold Medalist won their 4th gold in London. Still, the side and the skipper,who started from zero didn't give up, they tried their level best, but unfortunately an extra time goal changed the things against their favour. In Games these things are common, the only thing we could do is just curse yourself for being unlucky. Yesterday the Same Indian Side beat Argentina. Not just Gold defines glory, we have to appreciate the hard work too.
When we blame our Olympians one thing keep in mind burden of carrying the hopes of a billion plus Indians are on their shoulders. You and I, mere wordsmiths, won't comprehend it. Let us not even try.
The Indian woman's national field hockey team has qualified for the 2016 Summer Olympics for the first time since the 1980 Summer Olympics and they lost to giants like Australia and Britain cheaply. What we audience watch is "they lost", they forgot "they qualified since 1980". Kabir Khan and all happens in movies only, in real life we have to wait for miracles and hopefully God will do such miracles in some hardworking athletes in coming days. Many such stories! Dipa Karmakar the first Gymnast from India to qualify for the games. Can we Imagine an Indian attempting extremely risky Produnova? When the whole world appreciates her, a well known Indian is insulting our athletes.
There is a joke in our country, now we call it as the troll: " How will we become athletes When our SCIENCE -MATHS teachers borrow the P.T. PERIOD( OR GAMES HOUR)!" This is a joke, but its a reality in many of our schools. Unlike China and all, we Indians are not giving importance to Games as we give to other professions. How many parents in this country wish their child to become a sportsman? In states like Kerala Media and all have time to celebrate a Politician's Resignation from a party, but don't have time to discuss their Olympians when the medal tally is ZERO.Unlike other nations, Our Athletes don't have money, enough infrastructure, still, they perform to make our nation proud, improves day by day! LEAVE ALL THAT. TRANSFORMING AN INDIAN TO AN OLYMPIAN IS AN ANOTHER BIG TOPIC TO DISCUSS,BUT NOT FOR NOW.
"I am sure, with our support, things will change. I, for sure, am going to be with our athletes, especially when the chips are down.” The amount of confidence that the Indian Contingent gets from these words said by Great Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is something we can't even imagine . So Shobha De, Please don't discourage our athletes by making such comments, especially in between the games. You don't know the impact of a "good wish" especially when the Indian Contingent is down. Let us follow the words of Sachin, the greatest ambassador of sport in our country.
The first half hasn’t gone according to our plan, our expectations. But still, there are many Sainas and Tintus to Participate. So as SACHIN Said, "Be with them, be behind them".
Did PARIS Said "“Khaali haat wapas aao. What a waste of money and opportunity” in French? " After the agonising fall of French gymnast, Samir Ait Said when he broke his left leg ???
-RJ :)
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
A letter to god
Dear God,
Honestly I don't know why I am doing this but then one had a disgruntled Mahatma Gandhi writing to Hitler during the second world war ,so why not me to you,God .I definitely have had enough of you antics or rather lack of action. So I think I am within my rights to do this.
I don't know whether you are answerable to anyone but I certainly hope so. No one could have got away doing things that you have done in this whole world. You're arguably worse than a last bencher in a school. Had it been a kid one could blame it on your immaturity but then you have been around since day one of this universe or so they say.Your action makes you a nightmare of a child for any mother.
For someone who has been around this long I would expect a bit of forgiveness. You aren't even a bit. How can you even think of punishing an unborn child with malformed limbs,with cancer and every single other congenital abnormality? How could an unborn child offend you? Then your defenders say they have been punished for sins of their parents. Really,are you that crazy?Even the most bonkers of Governments and Judges know better than to do that.
Or they say you may have punished them for their sins in then previous lives.That is even worse.Come on if we are going to be punished for our previous lives sin ,you could at least tell what we did wrong.Then of sins that we commit in this life you act differently even for those. You pubish some right then and there but for others you extend their for their after life.Doesn't the term equality mean anything at all to you .Even worst the judiciary treat those under it equally.But then you cant be wrong ,can you?All religious people say so they cant be all wrong,can they? After all they do have brains.
I don't know what personality you have.But I was to make a guess I would mark you as hormone driven adrenaline junkie.You enjoy violence in way only crazy teens would.Earthquakes,tsunamis,thunderstorms everything I can think of,you have them all.Even worse is the fact that you seem to enjoy them.You have a sadistic mindset too.I don't realise how you are able to take pleasure in the pain of cancer victim made to go through those million surgeries and chemotherapies.How on earth are you able to watch millions get killed all in the name of the 'Merciful' god? Where the hell is your trigger happy punishment finger when we needed them the most against the Nazis, the ISIS,the Taliban?How could you watch on when over a million Jews were tortured in concentration camps? How could you give the likes of Hitler and Bin ladan a painless death after all they did? I feel wronged you merciless sadist. But then how can I be right and all others wrong? So I must be wrong again.
Your love for violence is exemplified in wars to establish religious supremacy. If Allah ,Jesus and the thirty three thousands Hindu devas are the same how could you not inteverne when Jews were being killed for the establishment of Islam.How could you watch on as Hindu and Islamic followers rioted on your name in Gujarat? How can you allow the Quran to say it tolerates violence agianst followers of other cultures to establish the supremacy of one religion over the other? Even saints would lose their mind if something of this sort was to happen in their name.You must be insane then.
After all these years of visting a million temples I cant think of how selfish you are.Come on, every single day you have a million people visiting temples each making you an offering and 90 percent of the very same people fail to give even a single rupee to the old needy souls that wait outside the temple and you know what the worst part is you even accept the offering they make to you.How can you be that selfish.You are being cared for, pampered every single day and yet you can't give even a single penny to those in need? Granted, you may not be the one accepting the offering but how can you advocate it? Can't you give some sign to those ingenious masses that it is not your wish for the people to do that.After all you gave 'divine signs' when the action of people in kottiyoor temple to lay out cement in the wild offended you and when the construction in guruvayoor temple was not up to your taste.I can't help but think how selfish you are.
Another important thing I would like to remind you is of your stance on the female population. I once doubted you being a female due to the fact that you seem to have way too many mood swings but then you can't be,if you were to be female how can you advocate the oppression of the entire female population in each and every religious book be it it the manusmrithi or the quran or anything else.You, being a masochist should be the worst enemy of every single feminist out there .
After these many years I can't get over the fact that you of all people is a racist.Face it you descriminate people on the basis of their cast (*cough* hindus *cough*) Even going on to equate people to cows if one is to believe that you advocate the upanishads and manu smrithi and all those.People complain about how Donald trump shouldn't be the President of the U.S.A since he is arguably a racist but then fail to get their heads around the fact that their own god is one himself.
All this and more made me rethink your status as suprme foregiving power.Usually people with power come out to be humble geniune individuals ( a certain Mahatma Gandhi comes to mind) but you are anything but. You enjoy your power like a spoilt brat. You should have been free from human emotions like Anger violence and what not but you are more like a whinig child who punishes those who dare to doubt you (*ahem*) but wants us to go on with the limbs and fathers and mothers you snatch away with no right . I can't even find a single reason you deserve to be worshipped. If anything you deserve to be ousted from your undeserved throne just like the likes of Mussolini and Stalin where and believe me that day shall soon arrive.
-Gokul Ramesh
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
"Are we turning dumber when devices are turning smarter ?"

"The richness of our thoughts, our memories and even our personalities hinges on our ability to focus the mind and sustain concentration. Only when we pay deep attention to a new piece of information are we able to associate it meaningfully & systematically.When we're constantly distracted and interrupted, as we tend to be online, our brains are unable to forge the strong and expansive neural connections that give depth and distinctiveness to our thinking. We become mere signal-processing units, quickly shepherding disjointed bits of information into and then out of short-term memory"
You may heard about the writer Nicholas Carr, once he wrote What the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation! "He continues: “My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.”
“I fear the day when technology will surpass our human interaction. We will have a generation of idiots.” Today I Too Fear as the great ALBERT EINSTEIN did. So Please Don't Let it happen!
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
"Today I Saw the Stars born on Earth........."
An Organisation in our college organized a Program today in a BUDS School in our college's locality. The program was we the students of our college collected money and bought a New School kit for the students studying at that school. But there we didn't saw any students,but some STARS,stars that born on earth.
We have friends who are extremely talented to sing,dance etc.. Majority among them shows big demands or are shy enough to display their talents. Today I saw the Stars who sings,dances as soon they grab the oppurtunity. This is the difference between them and us. Interesting is that, when they sing we may think as a "Normal Human Being"(called by the society). In such a way they sing,dance,taking us out of the world. They are the 'most' Normal Human Being in this earth. Really our Film Industries are losing many great artists,as these 'most' Normal Humans are treated as Abnormal. May be by birth they have some faults,still they live,they communicate without any jealous and all. Then actually who are "Normal"?? They may not become Einstiens and Edisons,but even with the faults credited by the almighty,the way they are living on this earth is something we can't imagine.
There we saw some Paintings , I was shocked to see the coloured sketches of a girl wearing different type of dresses;- Churidar,Frock, even a a girl wearing bikini ,with volley ball in her hand. The teachers may helped ,but still the thinking power of the few among the Stars is some thing we can't even imagine. You may feel ashamed. Yes, I even can't draw a straight line with the scale, still others see me with their normal eyes,while them with their 'Abnormal' Eyes. Why?
When the majority of the normals roam around for jobs,the Abnormals weave bags,baskets,make chairs and all as time pass.
Now I salute the teachers who take care of these kids. When the majority,our society and all feels tough to handle or mingle with these kids,these teachers spend most of their time in a day with these extremely talented ones.With the limited resources ,the way they are dealing with the kids are something beyond our expectations. Am Sure majority of the parents of such kids can't even take care as those teachers. The teacher gets angry when they do some big mistakes,correct it and make it right. As usual , but one ting you have to note is, in our cases we understand our mistakes faster,here the teacher would have to correct these kids twice ,thrice, sometimes even 100 times. But these teachers do! That's what make them different. BIG RESPECT!
When I talked to the staffs and teachers there, I understood there is no enough space or infrastructure to handle these students. This is not one case. In Many BUDS schools we see , the sitauation is same. Its time up for the government who change after 5-5 years to take care of these kids and the people living with these kids.
"Today I Saw the Stars born on Earth........."
lol :)
Monday, 6 June 2016
Is India really developing?:A take on Indian mentality
What is the point of faith if you are going to forget the humanity in the process? If one is still going to neglect the needy and waste your money on his own faith, I don't think his own god would want to save his soul.
Then why behold? Raise your voice against those who oppress you, against those who deny you your Constitutional rights, shame those who try to harass you. In this age of social media, one can come with a million ways to act against them. If someone teases you, put up his photo on social media as a shameless coward. If you can't consider yourself equal to any male and act accordingly, no amount of empowerment programs are going to help you. There is no point in shouting about feminism on facebook if you are going to cry when you face an angry teacher. The sense of empowerment should arise from within. If one is denied her chance, she should create their own. Do remember that there wasn't any program to support Amelia Earhart or Helen Keller when they grew up.
Had Keralite's taken up the recent rape case of Jisha in the same vein as #pomonemodi , she would probably have had justice by now. One should ask himself how educated they really are when they share pictures of humanity and environmentalism but refuse to act upon it. One could question their own morality when they refuse to take part in a beneficial program just because it was proposed by an opposing faction.